2012. 3. 12. 18:32

[프랑스 여행] 블루아 // France – Blois

루아르 강변에 자리한 프랑스 중부도시 블루아.

Blois est une ville du centre de la France situee sur la Loire.
Blois is a town in central France situated on the banks of the Loire river.

르네상스 시대에 프랑스 왕이 가장 선호하던 블루아 왕궁.

Le chateau royal de Blois etait la residence favorite des rois de France pendant la Renaissance.
The Royal Chateau de Blois was the favourite residence of the Kings of France during the Renaissance.

블루아 성 입구 위에 장식된 루이 12세상.

L’entree du chateau de Blois avec la statue du roi Louis XII.
Entrance of Château de Blois with statue of the King Louis XII.

17세기에 세워진 생루이 대성당.

La cathedrale Saint-Louis (17eme siecle).
Saint-Louis cathedral (17th century).

루아르 강 위에 18세기에 세워진 다리.

Le pont sur la Loire a ete constuit au 18eme siecle.
The bridge over Loire river was built in the 18th century.

블루아 구시가 거리.

Rues de la vieille ville. // Streets in the old town.

블루아 야경.

Blois de nuit. // Blois at night.