2012. 3. 15. 18:19

법주사 Beopjusa

법주사는 553(진흥왕14) 의신조사에 의해 세워진 대한불교조계종의 주요 사찰이며 한때 삼천명의 승려가 수행을 할 정도의 대찰로 서울에서 120 km 남쪽에 자리한 속리산 자락 아래에 자리하고 있다.
- 개방시간 : 6:00~18:00
- 입장료 : 4,000
- 가는법 : 동서울터미널(2호선 강변역)에서 속리산행 버스,3시간 30분소요, 하루 13, 16000
              (07: 30, 08:30, 09:30, 10:10, 11:10, 11:50, 12:35, 14:30, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30, 17:50, 18:30)


Beopjusa is one of the most important temples of the Jogye Order (Korean Buddhism). It is located 120 km south of Seoul on the slopes of Mt Songnisan(
속리산). The temple was founded by the monk Uishinjosa in 553 and was home to as many as 3000 monks.
- Opening time : 6:00~18:00
- Admission fee : 4,000 Won
- How to get there : bus from Dong Seoul Terminal (Metro line 2, Gangbyeon station) 
                                to Mt Songnisan(속리산), 3h30m, 16,000 won
                             (07: 30, 08:30, 09:30, 10:10, 11:10, 11:50, 12:35, 14:30, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30, 17:50, 18:30)


Beopjusa est un des temples les plus importants de l’Ordre Jogye (Bouddhisme coreen). Il est situe a 120 km au sud de Seoul au pied du Mt Songnisan(
속리산). Le temple a ete fonde en 553 par le moine Uishinjosa et abritait jusqu'à 3000 moines a l’epoque de sa fondation.
- Heure d'ouverture : 6:00~18:00 
- Prix : 4000 Won
- Comment s'y rendre : bus depuis Dong Seoul Terminal (Metro ligne 2, station Gangbyeon) 
                                       jusqu’a Mt Songnisan(속리산), 3h30m, 16,000 won
                                  (07: 30, 08:30, 09:30, 10:10, 11:10, 11:50, 12:35, 14:30, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30, 17:50, 18:30)



Beopjusa es uno de los templos mas importantes de la Orden Jogye (Budismo Coreano). Esta situado a 120 km al sur de Seul en las laderas de la montana Songnisan(속리산). El templo fue fundado en el ano 553 por el monje Uishinjosa y alojo hasta 3000 monjes en la epoca de la fundacion.

- Horario : 6:00~18:00 
- Precio : 4000 Won
- Como llegar : bus desde Dong Seoul Terminal (Metro linea 2, estacion Gangbyeon) 
                          hasta Mt Songnisan(속리산), 3h30m, 16,000 won
                         (07: 30, 08:30, 09:30, 10:10, 11:10, 11:50, 12:35, 14:30, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30, 17:50, 18:30)



법주사 일주문.

Entree du temple Beopjusa (porte Iljumun).
Entrance to Beopjusa Temple (Iljumun Gate).
Entrada al templo Beopjusa (porta Iljumun).

청동미륵대불과 5층 목조탑인 팔상전.

Statue de Bouddha en bronze et pagode Palsangjeon.
Bouddha bronze statue and Palsangjeon pagoda.
Estatua de Buda en bronce y pagoda Palsangjeon.

법주사는 1952년 일본에 의해 파괴 되었으나 1624년 재건 되었다.

Le temple Boepjusa a ete detruit pendant les invasions japonaises (1592) et a ete reconstruit en 1624.
Beopjusa Temple was destroyed during the Japanese invasions (1592) and was rebuilt in 1624.
El templo Beopjusa fue destruido durante las invasiones japonesas (1592) y fue reconstruido en 1624.


우리나라에 유일하게 남아있는 5층 목조탑.

Palsangjeon pagoda.

8세기에 만들어진 쌍사자 석등.

Lanterne en pierre des deux lions (8eme siecle).
Two-Lion stone lantern (8th century).
Linterna de piedra de los dos leones (siglo 8).

신라 성덕왕 시대에 3000명의 승려의 음식을 만들었던 철확.

L'enorme pot en fer etait assez gros pour cuire le riz pour 3000 moines.
The enormous iron pot was big enough to cook the rice for 3000 monks.
La gran olla de hierro era bastante grande para cocinar el arroz para 3000 monjes.


법주사로 가는 길에 있던 나이가 약 600살로 추정되는 천연 기념물 정이품송.

Le pin Jeongipumsong, sur la route vers le temple Beopjusa, est d’age d’environ 600 ans.
Jeongipumsong Pine Tree, on the road to Beopjusa Temple, is estimated to be about 600 years old.
El pino Jeongipumsong, en la carretera hasta el templo Beopjusa, tiene aproximadamente 600 anos.